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Sunday, July 31, 2011

How To Use Facebook Group Chat Feature

Facebook recently introduced many new features in chat. Video Calling was one of the most awaited feature. Facebook Group chat feature is something Facebook should have introduced much earlier. Earlier Users on

Make Google Plus Experience Fun With Google Chrome Extensions

There is so much talk about Google Plus on blogs and social networks. Although it is limited trial version people are trying hard to get an invite and have the

Google Plus Themes For Windows 7

Google Plus ThemesTalks about Google Plus is everywhere and now Google Plus themes are also available for your Microsoft Windows 7 PC. Most of you will be

How To: Disable Facebook New Chat Sidebar

I know you are pissed off with Facebook’s new chat sidebar and you are trying to get your Facebook old chat system. You may have even protested against Facebook’s new chat system by posting message such as

Friday, July 29, 2011

How to increase your torrents download speed

These days who doesn’t need free games or recently released movie for free.Well the popularity of torrents has risen very high in past few