Go Daddy Deal of the Week: Get 15% off your order! Offer expires 3/13/12

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Useful Online Web Apps

  1. Photoshop.com: It is online version of Adobe Photoshop. It offers free registration and 2GB of storage space for saving your data. It also offers mobile version for Windows mobile.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Login To Your PC Using Face Recognition System.!!

Do you get bored to select your username and then enter a password to every time you login? Not in old versions of windows but also in newly Windows 7. Why has there not been a built-in Windows feature to

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

How to Extract Text from any Image

Sometimes you come across some awesome text quotes which are in a form of image and you like them so much but you can write that because they maybe too lengthy to type but well we have a awesome tool or online

Light a Diwali diya at home - from miles away! USING THIS APP

New Delhi: A new web-application which allows people to light a virtual diya at the homes of their loved ones has become a popular way of wishing happy Diwali, especially among non-resident Indians (NRIs).

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Awesome Word Flipping Service Online

Word Flip is an awesome online service which provides you with a way to flip your words. With this awesome service you can create strong passwords and also impress all your friends by sharing some good

Monday, October 24, 2011

How to Play Games Without any Graphic Card Installed

These days games are like a master piece, means great graphics, smooth gameplay and much more but to play these game you need to have Graphic Cards installed in your PC, but graphic cards costs huge amount

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Fixit - Fix Microsoft Services Problems Online Easily

Fixit is a great solution center from Microsoft which scans and fixes any issues affecting your pc with problems. Now Fixit contains all the categories in which problems can come and have very nice solutions to

Saturday, October 22, 2011

All-in-One Gestures Firefox Add-On

This is an amazing extension which allows you to execute common commands using mouse gestures, rocker navigation, scroll wheel navigation and page scrolling. With this great extension you can simply increase your

All In One Useful Online Tool Site

Hey you love to use online tools as they do not need to be installed and they also don’t need to be downloaded so they are awesome you simply open a website and then use that service.

Cheapest Tablet Aakash for just under Rs. 3000

The cheapest tablet named Aakash has been launched in India by Kapil Sibal, well this tablet is made in India and will be provided to all the students with a price tag under Rs. 1500, it will be available to all the other

Friday, October 21, 2011

Use Adobe Photoshop Image Editing Software Online

So sometimes you need image editing software's on the go but you cannot carry Photoshop with you everytime as its really a huge software + 2 expensive too but if you want to edit images online on the go than

Thursday, October 20, 2011

How To Remote Control PC Using Google Chrome

Well Remote Controlling anyone's PC can be really tough because he might have no knowledge about this thing and other software's, well the one software I will recommended is Team Viewer well its dammm!!!

Full Computer Hardware Information with InfoTool

Getting best hardware information about the Windows Machine can be hard, but now we have InfoTool which can get all desired information what you want so that you can get to know everything about your Windows

Friday, September 2, 2011

Restart Windows Without Restarting Computer

Guys sometimes you come across a stage where you need to restart your computer @ time of installing new software well but you don’t wanna restart as due to some reasons so what we can do is a Cold Reboot which

Monday, August 1, 2011

Avast Antivirus 2011 Genuine 1 Year License

Avast Antivirus 2011 Genuine 1 Year LicenseAvast Antivirus is the best known antivirus in the world for defending you against Viruses, Malwares and other risks, so purchasing license means spending money but

Sunday, July 31, 2011

How To Use Facebook Group Chat Feature

Facebook recently introduced many new features in chat. Video Calling was one of the most awaited feature. Facebook Group chat feature is something Facebook should have introduced much earlier. Earlier Users on

Make Google Plus Experience Fun With Google Chrome Extensions

There is so much talk about Google Plus on blogs and social networks. Although it is limited trial version people are trying hard to get an invite and have the

Google Plus Themes For Windows 7

Google Plus ThemesTalks about Google Plus is everywhere and now Google Plus themes are also available for your Microsoft Windows 7 PC. Most of you will be

How To: Disable Facebook New Chat Sidebar

I know you are pissed off with Facebook’s new chat sidebar and you are trying to get your Facebook old chat system. You may have even protested against Facebook’s new chat system by posting message such as

Friday, July 29, 2011

How to increase your torrents download speed

These days who doesn’t need free games or recently released movie for free.Well the popularity of torrents has risen very high in past few